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eHrvatski ustav.

Mario Kamenjak
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eHrvatski ustav. Empty eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Mario Kamenjak sub pro 06 2008, 20:43

PROČITATI:Malo me glava boljela,pa ako ima greški(tj.velikih nelogičnosti) javite.Otvoren sam prijedlozima.

Evo,ovako to ide:
Chapter 1:
Art. 1.
1.The eCroatian Republic is sovereign, Democratic, and a law- abiding state, Based on the respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.
2.The eCroatian Republic Will Respect and do its obligations under international law. If the law is unlawful, then we hold all right to ignore the law.
Art. 2.
1.The people are the source of power of the state; exercise it through legislative and judiciary powers.
2.Power should serve all citizens.
3.Citizens may do anything the law does not prohibit, no citizen is forced to do anything that the law does not require or instruct them to do.
Art. 3.
1.The political system is based on free competition between political parties.
Art. 4.
1.Political decisions will proceed from the will of the majority.
Art. 5.
1.Any conquered territory citizens have full rights as eCroatians. Must be 2 terms to be president,and one term to be congressman.
Art. 6.
1.Constitution may be amended only by constitutional acts. Agreed on by congress.
Art. 7.
1.No citizen can be forced to removed the right as citizen of the eCroatian Republic. Unless they betray the eCroatian Republic.

Chapter 2: Government
Art 8.
1.The president may propose ideas, but must be accepted by congress.
2.The congress and prime minister may propose laws, peace-agreements, and call for military aid. These must be accepted by congress.
3.The president if want to veto a congress action musta logical reason in favour of the croatian citizens of why they want to veto. Congress will then re-vote.The congress needs a 60% majority to bypass the veto.
4.The Prime Minister is proposed by the president and must be elected through congress with a 2/3 majority.
5.The Prime Minister remains in power through public elections only to be removed by congress through a Lack of Confidence vote; a new candidate must be available to replace the prime minister.
Art 9.
1.Every citizen has right to vote.
2.Every citizen has right to run for congress-men or president.
Art 10.
1.Any change in new law may be presented to congress. If accepted must also be approved by the president. Only be able to disprove it if he's got a logical reason that it isn't best for the czech citizens.
2.President has right to propose tax change, mpp's, and place monetary market.
Art 11. - Military
1.All soldiers must obey orders. If Illegal the soldier can set up a trial.
2.Military run by a general with commanders under him.
3.Army split up into platoons.
Art 12.
1.The president may decide to declare a war against another faction. MUST be Approved by congress.
2.Allies reserve rights to fight on our land, cities, Unless President asks congress to not allow them. Must be in coherence with the Croatian Military.
3.If the eCroatian Republic will fight in foreign wars it must be approved by congress.

Chapter 3: Executive power
Art 13.
1.The President is head of state.
Art 14.
1.President shall assume his office by taken an official oath.
Art 15.
1.Only citizens who have lived in eCroatian Republic for two presidential terms can be elected president.
1.1.Exception is if the ip of the Presidential candidate is coming from Croatia.

Art 16.
1.The president can be removed from office by a Lack of Confidence Vote initiated by the prime minister or a 2/3 majority of congress.

Chapter 4: Government
Art 17.
1.The Prime Minister must have lived in the eCroatian Republic for at least two presidential terms.
1.1.Exception is if the ip of the potential Prime minister is coming from croatia.
2.The Prime Minister is allowed to Veto laws passed by the President. a. Laws vetoed in this matter only need a 1/3 majority to bypass the Prime Minister .
3.The Prime Minister is not allowed to vote on Presidential laws unless the vote ends in a tie.
4.The Prime Minister is the head of Foreign Affairs.

Art 18.
1.Congressmen must have lived in eCroatian Republic for one presidential term.
1.1.Exception is if the ip of the congressmen comes from Croatia.
2.Congress can cast a Lack of Confidence vote on either the Prime Minister or President. This being a 3/4 majority of the vote.
3.Congressmen who fail to vote in a Lack of Confidence will be represented as a missing vote and the amount of votes needed to succeed will go down respectively. a. If more than half of congress fails to vote, the Lack of Confidence is an automatic failure.

Art 19. - THE OATH
âóó I swear Allegiance to the eCroatian Republic.
I swear to observe its constitution and laws.
I swear upon my honor that I shall perform my office in the best interest of the people and to the best of my belief.âóó

Art 20.
1.The president has a right to watch, have a copy of all meeting of congress. He has a right to receive a report.

Art 21. - National bank
1.Bank will reside with the president.
2.If ANY member steals any money, or refuses to give the account to next president will be reported to admin, as it is Illegal here in eCroatian Republic. Punishment will be perm or temp banned.
Art 22.
1.Once signed by more than half congress members this constitution will take an immediate effect.
1.1.Exception is if there were no congress elections yet,then the right to vote on this constitution passes to the democratically elected councillors of the eCroatian council,by the rights written in the contract of the eCroatian council.
Art 23.
1.any amended act under these will nullify any thing above that is opposite of the new law.

Chapter 5:Media

Art 24.

1.Every article in eCroatian media must have a version in the Croatian language.Google translate is accepted.

Također dodati ću onaj dio o našem so-u koji će valadati umjesto congressa sve do prvih izbora(pogledajte temu:''ideja 2'')

Nadam se da ima dovoljno mjera protiv takeovera,ako ne onda ću ih dodat još! kazna kazna kazna

Zadnja promjena: gotcha1234; sri pro 10 2008, 07:31; ukupno mijenjano 3 put/a.
Mario Kamenjak
Mario Kamenjak

Male Broj postova : 965
Age : 115
eRepublik lokacija : Križevci,Hrvatska
Registration date : 01.07.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Kokach sub pro 06 2008, 21:52

Super je sve to samo sta Admini uopce ne postuju doneseni ustav. Mad

Zadnja promjena: Kokach; sub pro 06 2008, 22:20; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.

Male Broj postova : 232
Age : 47
eRepublik lokacija : Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska
Registration date : 10.09.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Sucko sub pro 06 2008, 21:59

Svaka cast gothca!
Ovo ce svakako pomoci, samo je pitanje u koliko mjeri zbog admina!

Male Broj postova : 2521
Age : 32
eRepublik lokacija : Hrvatska, Central Croatia
Registration date : 24.06.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Tomislav sub pro 06 2008, 22:05

jako ljepo

Male Broj postova : 896
Age : 33
eRepublik lokacija : Central Croatia
Registration date : 26.07.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Antimon sub pro 06 2008, 22:16

gotcha1234 je napisao/la:

Chapter 2: Government
Art 8.
1.The president may propose ideas, but must be accepted by congress.
2.The congress and prime minister may propose laws, peace-agreements, and call for military aid. These must be accepted by congress.
3.The president if want to veto a congress action musta logical reason in favour of the czech citizens of why they want to veto. Congress will then re-vote.

promjeni u croatian Razz

Male Broj postova : 42
Age : 32
eRepublik lokacija : Central Croatia, Croatia
Registration date : 12.08.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Mario Kamenjak ned pro 07 2008, 16:48

Art 22.
1.Once signed by more than half congress members this constitution will take an immediate effect.
1.1.Exception is if there were no congress elections yet,then the right to vote on this constitution passes to the democratically elected councillors of the eCroatian council,by the rights written in the contract of the eCroatian council.

Evo,dodao sam ono pod ''ideja 2'' i ispravio sve greške.
Mario Kamenjak
Mario Kamenjak

Male Broj postova : 965
Age : 115
eRepublik lokacija : Križevci,Hrvatska
Registration date : 01.07.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Hrvat uto pro 09 2008, 02:45

Well, it looks nice on the paper, minus all grammar errors, gender references, incoherence.... etc
Only looked at first Chapter.. Ouch.

Chapter 1:
Art. 1.

1.The eCroatian Republic is sovereign, Democratic, and a law-abiding state, based on the respect, rights and freedoms of all citizens.
2.The eCroatian Republic will respect and do its obligations under international law.

Art. 2.
1.The people are the source of power of the state; exercise it through legislative and judiciary system.
2.Power???? should serve all citizens. have no idea what this means
3.Citizens may do anything the law does not prohibit, no citizen is forced to do anything that the law does not require or instruct them to do.

Art. 3.
1.The political system is based on free competition between political parties.

Art. 4.
1.Political decisions will proceed from the will of the majority.

Art. 5.
1.Any conquered territory citizens have full rights as eCroatians. Even right to join the government. Must be 2 terms to be president, and one term to be congressman. ILLEGAL> how do you propose to enforce that? ALL citizens are equal by eRepublic 10 Laws.

Art. 6.
1.Constitution may be amended only by constitutional acts, agreed on by congress.

Art. 7.
1.No citizen can have its Citizenship removed, unless they betray the eCroatian Republic. Again. how do you expect to apply this? At the best you can ban offending Citizen from Forum. And WHO decides if there was betrayal or not. WHAT is the act of betrayal? Passing on info to Atlantis or USA?

Male Broj postova : 69
Age : 70
eRepublik lokacija : Hrvatska, Slavonija
Registration date : 17.08.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Mario Kamenjak uto pro 09 2008, 06:39

@hrvat,There are a lot of other admin applyed constitutions which also have parts of them being like those,this constitution was meant to be a anti takeover measure...
Mario Kamenjak
Mario Kamenjak

Male Broj postova : 965
Age : 115
eRepublik lokacija : Križevci,Hrvatska
Registration date : 01.07.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Gost uto pro 09 2008, 07:47

Gotcha bezveze se trudis admin ti nece nikad potvrdit ustav,taman da je savrsen a ovde krsis neka pravila

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Sucko uto pro 09 2008, 07:59

zocky, ako neces pomagat, barem nemoj unistavati odlicnu atmosferu zadnjih dana.

Male Broj postova : 2521
Age : 32
eRepublik lokacija : Hrvatska, Central Croatia
Registration date : 24.06.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Gost uto pro 09 2008, 08:07

sta je tebi? pa govorim da admin ne priznaje ustave to je cinjenica pitaj svakoga

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Hrvat uto pro 09 2008, 09:22

gotcha1234 je napisao/la:@hrvat,There are a lot of other admin applyed constitutions which also have parts of them being like those,this constitution was meant to be a anti takeover measure...
-how can it be anti-takeover measure if it can not be applied?
-how can it be anti-takeover measure if it is ineligible? (I've spoken English for 30 years, and I can not understand number of points in your document)

I have no problem with anti-takeover measure in any form, but we MUST be able to apply them when time comes. (otherwise we just have a useless piece of paper - sorry, computer graphics)
At best, your document needs a LOTS of work, and in the worst case it is totally useless.
(not to mention that English is poor, grammar is hopeless, and is full of gender related issues... and I only read the first Chapter)
All in all Hrvatski Ustav needs to be a document that can be applied in emergency, and in every day life of all citizens in Hrvatska.
As it is at a present time it does not fulfill any of these requirements.
Sorry, I do not mean to @#$% on your work, but that can not be the Hrvatski Ustav. It is not finished.

Male Broj postova : 69
Age : 70
eRepublik lokacija : Hrvatska, Slavonija
Registration date : 17.08.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Mario Kamenjak uto pro 09 2008, 09:44

you did not read the whole thing even...
Mario Kamenjak
Mario Kamenjak

Male Broj postova : 965
Age : 115
eRepublik lokacija : Križevci,Hrvatska
Registration date : 01.07.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Aqilla uto pro 09 2008, 14:31

imam samo dva prijedloga:
1) daješ predsjedniku prevelike moći, jer svojim vetom može u nedogled poništavati zakone nakon svakog izglasavanja u saboru. Nakon što ga sruši vetom, i prijedlog se vrati u sabor, stavi kojom se većinom zakon direktno izglasava bez potrebe odobrenja predsjenika (npr. 3/4) - slično kao što je uređeno kod premijera
2) nigdje se ne spominje kojom se većinom donosi odluka o proglašenju rata, što bi se mogao pokazati kao ozbiljan propust

eh, da i u ovom dijelu:
Art. 5.
1.Any conquered territory citizens have full rights as eCroatians. Even right to join the government.

izbaci Even right to join the government. jer to se podrazumijeva ako uživa sva prava punopravnog građanina, a i automatski se na njega primijenjuju svi zahtjevi koji se postavljaju za "biti biran" sposobnost


Male Broj postova : 13
Age : 38
eRepublik lokacija : Slavonija, Hrvatska
Registration date : 09.12.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Mario Kamenjak uto pro 09 2008, 21:24

OK,budem sutra,sutra je izglašavanje eHr ustava!
Mario Kamenjak
Mario Kamenjak

Male Broj postova : 965
Age : 115
eRepublik lokacija : Križevci,Hrvatska
Registration date : 01.07.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Mario Kamenjak sri pro 10 2008, 07:53

Mario Kamenjak
Mario Kamenjak

Male Broj postova : 965
Age : 115
eRepublik lokacija : Križevci,Hrvatska
Registration date : 01.07.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by mskero čet pro 11 2008, 21:36

e to sam vidil na erepubliku....
dobar je..... Very Happy

Male Broj postova : 127
Age : 30
eRepublik lokacija : Hrvatska,Zagreb
Registration date : 11.12.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Politicar čet pro 11 2008, 22:24

Vidio sam ovo IG samo mi nije jasno zasto je koriscena RL slika Dr.Franje Tudmana?Iskreno ne smeta mi mnogo ali mi je nekako glupo u toj razmjeri mjesati RL i IG...Mogla se staviti velika Hrvatska zastava kao simbol citavog stanovsnistva ER koje zivi u HRV.Znam da je Dr Franjo Tudjman odigrao vama jako vaznu ulogu u RL ali u igri on ne bi trebao biti cak ni pomenut,kao ni ostali RL politicki,vojni itd likovi.
Morao sam postaviti ovo pitanje.Nadam se odgovoru od strane odgovornog.

Male Broj postova : 88
Age : 35
eRepublik lokacija : Centralna Hrvatska
Registration date : 09.12.2008

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eHrvatski ustav. Empty Re: eHrvatski ustav.

Postaj by Mario Kamenjak pet pro 12 2008, 08:02

Mah,to sa Franjom je samo odavanje časti...
Mario Kamenjak
Mario Kamenjak

Male Broj postova : 965
Age : 115
eRepublik lokacija : Križevci,Hrvatska
Registration date : 01.07.2008

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