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Europska konferencija

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Europska konferencija Empty Europska konferencija

Postaj by Slavko pet vel 06 2009, 22:44

Evo poruke novoizabranog njemačkog predsjednika:

"Hello Slavko
Well I want to invite you to an European Conference to speak about the future and affairs on it.
We will meet us on Sunday, at 19 pm o'clock (Central Europe Time) or 11 am Erep Time.
On IRC://
Every Country can bring max. 2 Representatives.
I will be glad if you would come.
Yours sincerely
Isy "

Male Broj postova : 47
Age : 53
eRepublik lokacija : Hrvatska
Registration date : 11.12.2008

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Europska konferencija Empty Re: Europska konferencija

Postaj by Slavko pon vel 09 2009, 21:52

Zaključci s koferencije održane u nedjelju 8. veljače 2009. u Berlinu.

Dear Congressmans,

Well today, i invited many Presidents of Europe. To meet us and thinking of for an Alliance.
So I am back at home and I want to ask you about the Alliance.

In the discussion was following Countries :
France, Portugal, Italy, Czech, Netherlands, [Finland] , Italy, Ireland, Serbia, (UK)* and Hungary (of course we too)

to (UK)* = their MofA wasn't in the meeting also their Prime Minister
but I talked with them before and they are agree with this Idea.
Finland, said they aren't ready for an contracts.

Anyway, We talked about this Idea, and found this five points how our Partnership should begin :

1. a esa country does not need to leave peace or atlantis
2. a esa country cannot attack other esa country
3. a esa country is against all forms of political takeovers
4. in case of a political takeover attempt to a esa country all members sould defend it
5. esa countries cannot embargo each others

esa = European Social Alliance.

so what do you think about ?

feel free to give an comment.

Yours Sincerly


Male Broj postova : 47
Age : 53
eRepublik lokacija : Hrvatska
Registration date : 11.12.2008

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Europska konferencija Empty Re: Europska konferencija

Postaj by Slavko pet vel 13 2009, 22:21

Sve podatke o European Social Alliance zainteresirani mogu pronaći ovdje:

Male Broj postova : 47
Age : 53
eRepublik lokacija : Hrvatska
Registration date : 11.12.2008

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